Individualized Curriculum
A curriculum custom developed based on student's unique learning patterns, behaviors, interests and academic goals.
Interview with parents and student. In-person meeting if within a 10 mile radius of zip code 78641 or virtual meeting using zoom.
- Written report: includes a summary of the interview, start and end dates, topics to be covered over the duration period, unique learning patterns, common behaviors, specific interests, parents' goals, student's goals, and motivators.
- Verified report: parents review the written report and any changes/updates are made until parents are in agreement with the report. Parents then sign a verification form to show the written report is accurate.
Assessment tutoring session (optional)
- One hour tutoring session: this is helpful to understand the student's learning patterns and behaviors. In-person if within a 10 mile radius of zip code 78641 or virtual meeting using zoom.
- Duration: up to 12 months; includes schedule of activities.
- Goals and objectives: based on verified report and time-frame.
- Topics: determined during interview ; includes sequencing and vertical alignment.
- Learning Strategies: a list of strategies that are tailored to the student's specific learning patterns.
- Resource list: a list of resources for learning
Instructional Materials (to accompany the curriculum)
- Lesson Plans: Section lesson plans: includes lesson goal, objective, lesson and instructional materials.
- Worksheets: correlative worksheets for practice.
- Quizzes: a ten question quiz for each section to check for understanding.
- Tests: one for each unit.
- Grade book (electronic format): used for recording progress and notes.
$900.00 (3 months)
$1500.00 (6 months)
$2100.00 (9 months)
$2700.00 (12 months)